Remote Statistics Homepage

Welcome to our remote classroom homepage for Statistics Spring 2020! All information about changes to scheduling and the syllabus will be available here in one easy-to-access location!

First… the bottom line:

Times are tough. And I know many of you are dealing with logistical stresses, social disappointments, academic frustrations, and anxiety about your health and the health of your loved ones. Know this — your health and safety come first. They are more important than school and they are more important than statistics. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you are struggling to get work done on time during this transition. I assure you that everything is figure-outable. I just ask that you communicate early and often if you are not keeping up with coursework so that I can can provide support. I have 85 students this semester and I am fully committed to supporting all of you, but I will miss things without being able to see you twice a week, so help a girl out! Tell me if you’re struggling.

Our new format:

We have historically spent our Tuesday classes in lecture and our Thursday classes in workshop. This will remain the same, but with a few changes. For now, we’re going to try this:


I will post a filmed lecture to the website. The lecture will be modular (short videos broken up by short activities, visual aids, and written explanations). You are expected to view this content prior to our Tuesday class time each week. Take notes, note questions.


9am-10:15am: During our class period I will hold an optional Q&A on the lecture content via Zoom. You are not required to join, but I strongly recommend that you do, as they will be increasingly helpful as we get farther from the classroom.

*Note: Yes! This means that you must download, and create an account on Zoom! It is free, and it is very user-friendly.  On Tuesdays I’ll post the invitation to our Zoom classroom on a Canvas announcement. Sign up here:

*Tip: I ask that you all “mute” your own audio and visual when you enter the space, and if possible wear headphones to reduce feedback when speaking. You will unmute yourself only to ask a question, but you will also be able to ask questions via the instant message group chat.


9am-10:15am: During our class period, I will host a Zoom screen-share workshop, and walk you through the weekly activity verbally while showing you how to approach the new techniques in Stata. I will answer questions live, and Fengrui will field questions live in the instant message group chat window. This will be an adjustment but it will be interactive to the best of our ability! These workshops will be recorded and posted to my website so that you can review them on your own time, and so that you don’t have to have Zoom and Stata running simultaneously.

Changes to Assignments:

You will continue to complete your weekly assignments, but I have eliminated our last week of content (“Chi Square & Non-Parametric Tests”). We will focus on doing less with more clarity.

You will still submit your weekly assignments every Thursday before “class.” You may continue to work with your groups as much as is helpful. I encourage you to share your Zoom contacts with your groups so that you can have smaller trouble-shooting chats throughout the week. But you are not required to work in groups any longer.

Your “Interpreting Statistics” assignment is no longer a group assignment. Check out the updated guidelines here:

The due date for this assignment has been moved to April. See below.

New Schedule

March 10th & 12th

  • No meetings, no due dates

March 17th & 19th

March 19th: Zoom meeting, 9am: Q&A on test corrections & class format updates

  • Please complete Week 7 Assignment as soon as possible, no submission necessary

March 24th & 26th

March 24th: Zoom Q&A: Z-Tests, T-Tests & Mean Testing

  • View lecture before Tuesday’s “class,” complete readings

  • Salkind & Frey, pgs. 186-228, “Only the Lonely: The One-Sample Z-Test”

  • Longest, pgs. 160-175, review “Relationships between Different Measurement Levels”

March 26th: Stata workshop, Zoom

  • Complete and submit “Week 8 Assignment” to Canvas

  • Midterm Corrections Due

March 31st & April 2nd

March 31st: Zoom Q&A: Z-Tests, T-Tests & Mean Testing, Prep for ANOVA tests

  • View lecture before Tuesday’s “class,” complete readings

  • Salkind & Frey, pgs. 229-261, “t(ea) for Two: Tests Between the Means of Different Groups,” “t(ea) for Two (Again): Tests Between the Means of Related Groups,” & “Two Groups too Many?" Try Analysis of Variance”

April 2nd: Stata workshop, Zoom

  • Complete and submit “Week 9 Assignment” to Canvas

April 7th & 9th

April 7th: Zoom Q&A: Anova Testing & Factorial Analysis

  • View lecture before Tuesday’s “class,” complete readings

April 9th: No class, Holy Thursday

April 14th & 16th

April 14th: Zoom Q&A: Linear Regression

  • View lecture before Tuesday’s “class,” complete readings

  • Salkind & Frey, pgs. 262-292, “Two Too Many Factors: Factorial Analysis,” “Cousins or Just Good Friends? Testing Relationships using the Correlation Coefficient,” & “Predicting Who’ll Win the Super Bowl: Using Linear Regression”

April 16th: Stata workshop, Zoom

  • Complete and submit “Week 10 Assignment” to Canvas

April 21st & 23rd

April 21st: Zoom Q&A: Portfolio Q&A

April 23rd: Workshop, Zoom

  • Complete draft of Portfolio, no submission

April 28th & 30th

April 28th: Zoom Q&A: Final Portfolio Questions, Interpreting Statistics Q&A

April 30th: Workshop Zoom, Final Exam Prep, Q&A

  • Interpreting Statistics Assignment Due (4/30)

May 6: Final Exam via Canvas
May 12: Final Portfolio Due

Office Hours & Contact

That’s about it, friends! If there are changes I’ll update them here. Keep an eye out for the Zoom invites on Tuesday and Thursday mornings before class, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns! Remember, I’ll be holding office hours Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons from 11am-5pm via Google Hangout at my BC email address: Fengrui will also be holding office hours via hangout from 10-12 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays. Simply email to let us know you’re waiting to chat! We can DM, audio-chat, video-chat, or screen-share from there!

Questions or Concerns?