Social Problems
Course Description
This course is an exploration of different sociological approaches to the study of social problems and social trends in contemporary society. It examines the linkages among institutions, culture and the human experience. The course emphasizes theoretical research issues, especially how, and to what degree, the understanding of social problems are a direct result of the processes used to define social problems as well as the research methods and procedures used to investigate them. Students will learn to critique popular discourses from a critical sociological perspective and will be encouraged to form their own opinions and critiques.
Students Said…
“It covered a lot of subjects that are relevant to contemporary society… and challenged students to look at issues they may have never known existed. This course completely unveiled social problems… This class is essential to understanding people and the largest issues surrounding them, this goes much more in depth than just race.”
Student, Summer 2018
Course Design
This course was organized around the question: “How do we come to know that something is a social problem”? We highlight in particular the roles of news media and social media in shaping public priorities.